Monday, August 31, 2009

LANAP at the AAP meeting

I hope you have the oportunity to go to the AAP this year.

lloyd Tilt will be speaking on Sunday he will show his 10 year data.

I guess in Perio 10 years is considered innovative?

10:15 - 11:45 am

Interesting thing about periodontists is all available accounts seem to suggest that Dr. Grace Rogers may have been the first practicing Periodontist in 1914.

You would think 10 years of data would be allot considering periodontics has been existence less than 100 years.

Though, it is still considered INOVATIVE?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who Was the First Periodontist?

Who Was the First Periodontist?

Many people have wondered, who was the first periodontist? Upon hearing this question, many have wondered, what is a periodontist? Well, we are going to discuss those questions and many more throughout the course of this article, to the best of our abilities concerning the documented evidence.

We know that periodontal disease has been a problem for people all throughout history. You see, as a specialty, periodontics – the study of periodontal disease, periodontitis, et cetera – has a very long and very full history. That history covers the whole of civilization.

There is evidence that even back in prehistoric times, our ancestors had some problems with their teeth. For example, people in the early Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures had oral health problems. How do we know this? Well, for one thing, there is written evidence and skeletal remains which show the existence of periodontal disease.

In histories pertaining to ancient Chinese and Indian cultures, there exists evidence of periodontal diseases like scurvy. Within those same histories, there were actually pieces of advice pertaining to the importance of cleaning one’s teeth! The evidence piles up through history, from ancient Greek and Roman to Renaissance Europe. The diseases themselves were well described in the records available, as well treatments and methods of prevention.
However, the first periodontist came quite a bit later – not until the early twentieth century, in fact. Now, it stands to reason that periodontists likely existed before this; they simply were not documented. They may have gone by a different title. Around about 1914, however, all available accounts seem to suggest that Dr. Grace Rogers may have been the first practicing periodontist.
Given the long history of documented periodontal diseases and care, however, it only stands to reason that, in the equally long history of dentistry, other people must have practiced periodontology. We simply do not have the records of those possible forebears.
Disclaimer: If you have or think you might have gum disease or any other health problem, please visit your dentist or periodontist for advice, diagnosis and treatment. This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice, diagnosis or treatment for any health condition.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Periodontal disease a risk marker for stroke

Periodontal disease a risk marker for stroke.

Men with a history of bone loss due to periodontitis run a higher risk of having a stroke, according to a study in the Annals of Neurology (May 28, 2009).

The potential role of periodontitis in the risk of cardiovascular disease has received much attention in the past decade, and evidence of an association between periodontitis and cerebrovascular disease, especially ischemic stroke, has been stronger compared to other types of cardiovascular disease, the study authors noted.

Although the link has been reported before, their research examined the clinical measures of periodontitis as opposed to self-reports or other assessments not involving periodontal probing, lead study author Thomas Dietrich, D.M.D., of the University of Birmingham School of Dentistry said.

The researchers analyzed data from 1,137 men in the Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study, an ongoing study that began in the 1960s with healthy volunteers from the greater Boston area. Participants underwent medical and dental exams every three years for an average of 24 years.

A trained periodontist conducted the dental exams, including full mouth radiographs and periodontal probing at each tooth. Cerebrovascular disease was defined as a stroke or transient ischemic attack.

Dr. Dietrich and his colleagues evaluated the incidence of cerebrovascular events in relation to mean radiographic alveolar bone loss (a measure of periodontitis history) and cumulative periodontal probing depth (a measure of current periodontal inflammation).

Bone loss key

Overall, 80 incident cases of cerebrovascular disease occurred during a combined 27,506 person-years, and periodontal bone loss was "significantly associated" with an increased hazard rate of cerebrovascular disease, according to the researchers. They found a stronger effect among men younger than 65 compared to older men.

In comparison, periodontal probing depth was not associated with a significantly increased rate of cerebrovascular disease.

The exact mechanism of the association is unclear, said Dr. Dietrich, noting that both causal and noncausal factors may explain it.

There could be direct or indirect effects of the periodontal infection and inflammatory response, or some people may have an increased proinflammatory susceptibility that could contribute to both cerebrovascular disease and periodontal disease, the authors wrote. Current epidemiologic studies are not able to differentiate between these causal and noncausal pathways, even with perfect control of all established cardiovascular risk factors.

And why was periodontal bone loss significantly associated with an increased hazard rate of cerebrovascular disease, while periodontal probing depth was not?

"This is more consistent with a noncausal mechanism, since treatment of periodontitis or tooth loss would not affect the underlying susceptibility to inflammatory disease," Dr. Dietrich said.

A significant link was found between history of periodontitis as measured by alveolar bone loss and incidence of cerebrovascular disease in men, independent of established cardiovascular risk factors, the authors noted. Furthermore, they found evidence for a stronger association between periodontal bone loss and incidence of cerebrovascular disease among younger men.

"Even if this association was predominantly noncausal, periodontitis could be an important marker of risk for cerebrovascular disease, given its relatively high prevalence and the strength of the association," they concluded.

Large epidemiologic studies using molecular and genetic approaches in various populations are necessary to determine the strength of the association between periodontitis and cerebrovascular disease and to elucidate its biologic basis, they added.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tooth decay, bleeding gums may herald chronic ills

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Our modern dental woes have a lot do to with modern whole-body ills like heart disease and diabetes, according to the author of a review of decades' worth of studies on diet and health.

The culprit in both cases? The so-called fermentable carbohydrates forming the foundation of the modern diet, says Dr. Philippe P. Hujoel of the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle. These include sugars and starchy foods that break down into sugars in the mouth, as well as tropical fruits and dried fruits.

Hujoel argues in the Journal of Dental Research that gum disease and tooth decay should be seen as "alarm bells" that signal a person is at risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health problems.

In recent years, Hujoel argues, fat has replaced fermentable carbohydrates as the enemy, which has led to the promotion of heavy carbohydrate consumption-and in turn the need for dental interventions like sealant and fluoride to prevent tooth decay.

Studies have shown development of gum disease within days of a person upping their sugar intake, which then improves within weeks of a person cutting out carbs. If such high-fermentable carbohydrate diets continue, Hujoel argues, their associated chronic illnesses take hold.

"Clearly, the dental alarm bell has an extremely low threshold for activation; the response occurs in days, weeks or, at most, years, as opposed to the decades it takes for systemic (diseases) to become clinically apparent," he writes.

Hujoel calls for research to investigate the question of whether diets that are good for our teeth are also good for our overall health. If the answer is yes, he adds, "dental diseases could become increasingly regarded as the early marker of adverse lifestyle choices," and could also offer clues to understanding other systemic illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease.

SOURCE: Journal of Dental Research, July 1, 2009.